Mauri Leppala of Finnair Receives Award from Finnish American Lawyers Association
Leppala is in charge of all
operations at Kennedy Airport in
New York City for Finnair. He
has provided invaluable
assistance to members of the
Finnish American Lawyers
Association (FALA) in their
trips to Finland. In
appreciation, the FALA presented
an Award to Mauri at a dinner at
the Chi Restaurant in Westbury
Long Island New York on
September 18, 2009. The award
was presented by the President
of the FALA, Robert Alan Saasto,
joined Finnair on March 1, 1971
as a passenger service agent at
Helsinki Vantaa airport. After
basic training, he continued as
a Traffic Officer performing
weight and balance calculations
for Finnair flights. Around 1973
he was trained with 6 other
colleagues in safety training to
work as a Flying Traffic Officer
on Finnair domestic flights in
Finland. In addition, he worked
for Finnair in many Eastern
European airports to provide
relief for Finnair Sales
Managers for vacancies due to
vacations or other reasons.
These “relief tours” included
Leningrad (which is now St.
Petersburg), Moscow, East
Berlin, Warsaw and Budapest.
In those years Finnair also operated their own cargo flights. Those flights took Mauri to several places around the globe, such as Kuwait, Dubai, Bahrain, Madras (which is now Chennai in India), Singapore, and Asmara in Ethiopia. Mauri spent longer term summer reliefs in the 70’s in Oslo Norway, and in Gotherburg Sweden. In the Fall of 1977, he spent nearly 3 months in Kano, Nigeria, to be part of Finnair’s Umrah and Hajj operations between Kano and Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.
In 1979 Mauri had his first permanent position in Copenhagen Denmark at Kastrup airport. He spent 4 years there.
When Finnair inaugurated the first Nonstop flight between Europe and Japan, he was “recruited” by Bo W. Long, (a renowned Finnair and Finnish professional airline management person) to assist Bo Long in opening the airport in Narita, Japan, for Finnair. During those 7 unforgettable years, he often visited Seoul in South Korea and Hong Kong. In Japan he became involved in matters beyond just the concerns of Finnair by involving himself in issues affecting the entire airline industry. In his last three years in Japan he was the Chairman of AOC, which was the Narita Airline Operators Committee. While with the AOC, he was involved directly with industry wide organizations such as Airport Authorities, Civil Aviation Authorities and many others.
His industry wide experiences in Japan served Mauri very well in his responsibilities at JFK airport in NYC. In addition to being the President for a year, he held numerous positions in KAAMCO, Kennedy Airport Airlines Management Council. He also served one year as the President of the JFK Chamber of Commerce.
During his years at JFK, Mauri
has had extensive contact with
Florida. Mauri’s position at JFK
in NY covered Miami as well as
several other destinations in
the Caribbean. Mauri has good
memories and thoughts of the
Sunshine State. Mauri knew many
of the pilots from Finnair that
retired in the Lake Worth area.
He attended events in the
Finnish and Finnish American
community in Florida both
personally and on behalf of
Finnair. In those visits he and
his wife got to know personally
several of the Finnish motel
owners on Federal Highway in
Lake Worth, including the New
Sun Gate Motel and the Shangri
La Motel. Mauri recalls one
Finland Independence Day when
Finnair brought at that time a
very popular Finnish group,
Solistiyhtye Suomi, to Lake
Worth. There were two
celebrations, one at the Lake
Worth Casino and the other at
the Gulfstream Hotel.
vividly recalls one festive
occasion at the pool of Shangri
La. A very popular Finnish
composer and musician, Erik
Lindstrom, was staying there
celebrating with his wife their
Wedding Anniversary. After
midnight they all celebrated by
singing one of his most famous
songs named “Ranskalaiset korot”
which in English is “French high
heels”. Mauri and his wife
toured Key West and visited
Hemingway”s favorite bar. He and
his wife had many opportunities
to admire the Caribbean sunset
on the waterfront, and to enjoy
the artists appearing in those
9/11 Mauri watched from his
office window at JFK when
something hit the South Tower of
the World Trade Center. He saw
the fire ball. A construction
crew under his window saw it too
and they all watched the now two
burning towers. They saw both
towers collapsing and a short
while after that the Police
arrived at JFK and emptied the
whole terminal, and most of the
airport. There was a complete
silence at that part of JFK.
high ranking Finnish SITRA
delegation (a Finnish innovation
fund) was on a trip to the US
West Coast and had difficulties
to get back home after 9/11.
Several days passed before the
daily New York flight was able
to leave to Finland from JFK.
Mauri is proud to have met Ben Sliney, a member of FALA, who traveled to Finland with the FALA on one of their trips there. It was Ben Sliney who was working that morning at the ATC Control Center in Herndon, Virginia, and it was he who ordered all the civil aviation flights in the US airspace to land immediately to the nearest airports from their current positions.
Mauri’s wife, Kiia, has been extremely supportive of Mauri during his career. While on assignment around the world, Kiia worked on her own airline related businesses in Copenhagen, Tokyo and presently at JFK. In 2004 Mauri sustained a stroke and with Kiia’s crucial support, he was able to recover and return to his duties at JFK for Finnair. Mauri and Kiia live near Kennedy Airport in a beach community, City by the Sea, in Long Beach, Long Island, NY. They had moved there in December of 1989 after having lived for 7 years in Akasaka, which is right in the middle of Tokyo, Japan.
asked to describe the highlights
of his career, Mauri responded
as follows:
“I consider it to be richness to
have had the pleasure to meet
people from different cultures
and continents. It has been also
an honor to meet Heads of
States, especially at JFK, in
connection with the United
Nations and also official visits
of Finland’s Presidents and
Ministers, when arriving and
departing via JFK. Also, during
my years in Japan, I very well
remember President Koivisto’s
State Visit and Finnair’s first
ever Trans-Siberian operation
from Helsinki to Tokyo.
We who have had the opportunity
to be in this business for a
long time have many Golden
Memories of times when the
business had a different
character. Many of us call those
years the “Golden Times”.
Nowadays dark clouds over the
economy have also brought a
number of clouds over this
industry as well. The clear
majority of my memories are
bright and cheerful but there
are also many not so pleasant.
The very nature of my business
and position demands
confidentiality and I can not
therefore go into those
Robert Alan Saasto, Esq.
President FALA