Digital Company Executives Visit NYC and Catch a Glimpse of the Pope

On September 25, 2015, eighteen digital company executives from Finland attended a luncheon reception at the residence of the Consul General of Finland to New York, Jukka Pietikainen. The Consul General graciously offered to host the group as the request of Robert Alan Saasto, Esq., President of the Finnish American Lawyers Association (FALA) who had been contacted by his relative in Finland (pikku serkku) Katariina Strandman, CEO of Mainidea, located in Helsinki. Joining Robert Saasto was his daughter Kimberly Saasto, who graduated from Touro Law School, and is anxiously awaiting the results of the bar exam she took in May so that she can commence her law career.

Prior to the NYC visit, the group participated in Strategy Institute’s Digital Customer Experience Summit in Chicago from September 23 to 24; with time out while there  to attend a Chicago Cubs baseball game. The “tour” was planned by Anu Harkonen, senior consultant at Sales Energy Consulting SEC Oy located in Helsinki.

Consul General Jukka Pietikainen addressed the group emphasizing that the Consulate General Office of Finland, New York, was there to support Finnish companies coming to the United States. He extended an open invitation to the high tech business executives present that they should feel welcome, and in fact are encouraged, to engage his services at any time.

The balcony to the residence of the Consul General overlooks Fifth Avenue into Central Park. The view is spectacular and was enjoyed by all present, both before and after lunch. Fifth Avenue was blocked off with barricades and police at every corner in anticipation of the Pope traveling uptown to a school in Harlem, which was part of his planned itinerary when in New York City. Timing could not have been better!! Suddenly behind an array of police motorcycles appeared an Italian Fiat carrying the Pope. Unfortunately, it was not the famous “Popemobile” which would have been viewable with an unobstructed view from the 11th floor balcony. However, the Pope had his arm out of the window and waved to the bystanders. All of the business executives rushed to the balcony taking pictures. It was quite an exciting occasion even though it lasted only minutes at most.

The luncheon was followed by a presentation by Michael Student, Esq. and Mitchell Stein, Esq. at the law firm of Sullivan & Worcester on Broadway between 50th and 51st Street. Michael Student, Esq. is well known amongst Finnish companies doing business in the U.S.A. His topic for the group was issues confronting businesses when entering into the markets in the States.

Robert Alan Saasto, Esq.

From left to right: Katariina Strandman, CEO of Mainidea;
Consul General Jukka Pietikainen; Robert Alan Saasto
 President of FALA; Kimberly Saasto, awaiting Admission
to NYS Bar; and Anu Harkonen, Sales Energy Consulting

Presentation on Finnish Companies Doing Business in the USA
by Michael Student, Esq., and Mitchell Stein, Esq., at the law firm
of Sullivan & Worchester on Broadway between 50th and 51st
Street in New York City.