Jenni Haukio, First Lady of Finland, Tours
Liberty Island and Ellis Island in New York
More than 150 world leaders attended the United
Nations 70th General Assembly gathering and
events which extended over 9 days in New York
City at the end of September 2015. New York City
experienced extensive traffic gridlock and
crowds, particularly when Pope Francis visited
and made his way about to various events in the
“Popemobile”. Presidents Obama and Putin gave
speeches critical of each other’s policies in
Syria and came to no mutual understandings in
their private meetings. President Obama met with
Cuban President Raul Castro and shook hands with
the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad
Zarif, a first. The Chinese President Xi Jinping
made his first U.N. visit. Palestinian President
Abbas raised the Palestinian flag at the U.N.
for the first time. The Prime Minister of
Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, denounced countries
for being silent to the threats of Iran against
The Secretary-General of the U.N. met with
President Sauli Niinisto and thanked Finland for
its role as co-chair of the Group of Friends of
Mediation for its contribution to mediation and
preventive diplomacy. President Niinisto
addressed the General Assembly on Tuesday
September 29, 2015. He participated in and
delivered several statements in several other
high level events. Informal photos of him with
President Putin on the floor of the General
Assembly, as well as formal photos of him and
the First Lady of Finland, Jenni Haukio, with
President Obama and Michelle Obama, are on the
Jenni Haukio became the First Lady of Finland on
March 1, 2012. She was born in Pori and
graduated from the University of Turku with a
Master of Political Sciences degree in 2001. She
has published three collections of poetry and
has taught creative writing. She was the
Executive Director of the Satakunta National
Coalition Party in Pori from 2005 to 2007. From
2007 to 2012 she was the Communications
Manager of the National Coalition Party in
Helsinki. She married Sauli Niinisto, the
current President of Finland, in 2009. Sauli
Niinisto was the presidential candidate from the
National Coalition Party who won in 2012 and is
serving a six year term. Their family includes a
Boston Terrier.
On Sunday, September 27, 2015, I had the honor
and privilege of participating in the tour that
Jenni Haukio took of Liberty Island and Ellis
Island, which was planned and organized by the
Consulate General of Finland, New York.
Deputy Consul General of Finland to New York,
Anna Yletyinen, was present attending to all the
details. Accompanying the First Lady was Dr.
Erika Sauer, the wife of Ambassador Kai Sauer,
who commenced his service as Permanent
Representative of Finland to the United Nations
in New York in August 2014. It was
my function to present an overview of the
Finnish American communities in New York. I was
requested to do so by the Consulate because I
had first-hand familiarity with the Finns in
Harlem New York and “Finntown” Sunset Park,
Brooklyn, New York, where I was born.
My grandparents came from Finland to America in
the 1920s, the height of the Finnish immigration
wave between 1870 and 1929 when
approximately360,000 Finns came. My grandmother
ran a restaurant in Harlem. My father lived in
one of the Finnish boarding homes in Harlem and
went to both the 5th Avenue Hall and the
Communist Hall to play pool and swim after
sauna. My mother’s parents settled in one of the
24 Finn coops built by the Finnish immigrants
surrounding Sunset Park. Mummo worked as the
cook and Pop as the bartender at the Imatra
Hall, which was on the same block as the
Communist Hall. In the 1990s I would become a
board member of the New Yorkin Uutiset and
Imatra Hall, and act as their attorney when they
were sold because there were no longer enough
Finns to support their existence. I represented
many of the Finns when they sold their coop
apartments to non-Finns as they began to
disperse and assimilate into the American
I needed no preparation to describe the Finnish
communities in both Harlem and Brooklyn, at both
its peak and demise. I did though, beforehand,
peruse through my considerable collection of
Finnish books on the subject of the Finns who
came to America, so as to be able to interspace
throughout my family stories, accounts of the
Finns after their arrival: initial jobs for the
women in the families of the rich as maids, the
men in mining, logging, and farming; Finn Halls;
wild cat strikes and Socialist movements
generated by the horrible mining conditions;
coop buildings and cooperatives to buy food or
borrow money; Winter War packages to Finland;
newspapers; the retirees and Finnish
snowbirds in Lantana Florida; etc.
Upon initial introduction at the pier, I spoke
in Finnish, but soon changed to English after
explaining that my lack of fluency was due to my
parents only speaking Finnish when they did not
want the children to know what they were saying.
Parks Department official guides gave us private
tours at each location. While on the ferry to
Liberty Island, from Liberty Island to Ellis
Island, and from Ellis Island back to Battery
Park, we remained within the crowds of people,
undistinguished from the rest of the tourists.
It was primarily during those periods of time on
the ferries, and at lunch on a picnic table by
the water on Ellis Island, that I was able to
present an overview of the Finnish immigrants
that came to America, interspaced with the
experiences of my grandparents and parents as
Finnish immigrants in New York.
At the conclusion of each of the tours, the tour
guides (including myself) were presented with a
“Presidential Tie” from the Office of the
President, as a thank you gift. On the tie were
details from the State Hall Presidential Palace
in Helsinki. I presented as gifts two booklets:
The Finns in Harlem and Imatra Hall Memories.
After shaking hands and saying good-byes, just
before entering her car, the First Lady asked me
when I would be returning to visit Finland. I
replied that perhaps within a few years. She
suggested that a good year to visit would be in
2017 when there are numerous events being
planned to commemorate the 100th year
anniversary of the independence of Finland. She
added that I should be sure to “look her up and
make contact and have coffee with me and my
husband”. Now that is an offer that cannot be
Robert Alan Saasto, Esq., President of FALA
From left to right: Deputy
Consul General of Finland to New
York Anna Yletyinen; Jennie Haukio, First Lady of Finland;
Robert Alan Saasto, President of FALA; and Dr. Erika Sauer,
wife of Ambassador of Finland to United Nations.
Robert Alan Saasto, Jennie
Haukio, Anna Yletyinen, and
Erika Sauer.